Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 7
Joined: Feb. 2013
Posted on: Oct. 14 2013,14:01 |
Hi Everyone,
please, If anyone can help me to integrate together these three Live CD with Easyboot and make them compatible to be launched with this configuration:
Every PC with an USB DVDRW.
Inquisitor 3.0 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/inq/inq-live-3.0-x86.iso
Damn Small Linux v4.4.9 ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....trd.iso
Foresinc Hardware Copy V5.4 http://netcologne.dl.sourceforge.net/project....7.4.iso
I have exploded the Foresinc Hardware Copier into the root of the DVD and launched the command:
run /boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin (start and work 100% with every type of DVD readers, also USB DVD readers)
The problem is who to put the others live CD into my compilation because, if I utilize the Balder scripts, they works only if the DVD is SATA or IDE and NOT USB.
If I explode them together I lost their isolinux.cfg.
Who can I solve this issue?
I have to prepare an universal DVD boot disc with these tree applications to be launched when they are needed. The PC's are Industrial PC and not always the DVD reader is present onboard.
We can't utilize USB pendrive. Only DVD to launch these applications.
I have try every possible Balder script but for nothing. I'm not prepared to edit linux config. I'am a poor Microsoft Certified Specialist and I don't know linux.
Is not possible to expand the tree apps in three separate folders and redirect every config to the respective folders?
The various RUN, BCDW or MEMDISK, in some cases works only emulated and not in one real machine.
I have also try to extract the startup of every apps (bif) and launch them but nothing.
If I use the BALDER SCRIPTS, If one proggy works with a standard DVDROM reader, when I insert the same DVD into an external USB DVD READER, the only things that appear is the GRUB LOADER that search the DVD.
There is a solution?
Please, please, please.
Post Number: 2

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
Joined: Oct. 2008
Posted on: Oct. 14 2013,15:42 |
Quote: "when I insert the same DVD into an external USB DVD READER, the only things that appear is the GRUB LOADER that search the DVD" Hmm... interesting behavior. I must admitt I havent tested using USB DVD-reader as these days you better use a simple USB stick (cheape and much more efficient to use)
Quote: "they works only if the DVD is SATA or IDE and NOT USB" Hmm... To clarify...
Any DVD-reader connected via USB use IDE or SATA-controller internally So this problem of yours seems to be related to your USB-connection or to your USB DVD-reader and not to my script or to solution presented in EasyBoot forum
Can you please test using a USB stick\thumb-drive to figure out if the problem resists
Some important notes: 1. The 'bcdw' command can only be used from CDFS (CDFS=CD-FileSystem)
2. BCDW do not work from FAT32. Attention! FAT32 is used by EasyBoot when 'burned' to USB drive. Skip using bcdw if your intension in the future is to run EasyBoot directly from USB drive (USB stick or USB hard-drive)
3. The memdisk command works from everywhere but is a little 'out of date' However if used, you are recommended to update 'memdisk' which I told you HERE
4. The 'run' command works from anywhere without any restrictions
Quote: " We can't utilize USB pendrive" and further more "The PC's are Industrial PC and not always the DVD reader is present onboard"
What you are saying is this:
1. We cannot use any USB connected equipment (quote: " We can't utilize USB")
2. Not all 'Industrial PC' has DVD-reader
Above means you can only use internal DVD-reader (IDE or SATA) which works fine Or have I missed something here...
What I can find out is that you from time to time run into 'Industrial PC' that DO NOT have any internal DVD-reader and you are hereby bound to use a USB connected equipment such as a USB connected DVD-reader. My argument is that if you can ' utilize' USB DVD-reader, then you can use any USB stick or USB hard-drive as well
The fhc-liveCD-5.4-kernel-3.7.4.iso
1. Extract folder 'boot' and file 'live.iso' to folder disk1
2. Use menu command: run /boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg This seems to be a 'week' software (at least when run from USB drive) - it cannot even find from which USB drive software is launched from It works okay from CD/DVD-reader but not from USB drive - however software is unable to find the right USB drive it is launched from You can hardly blame EasyBoot for this, as the problem is a 'week' software (or shall we say; a stupid software)
------------------------ The DSL (DamnSmall-Linux)
1. Copy ISO-file to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: Â run dsl.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)
2. Important! Tick 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot This works from CD\DVD-reader and from USB drive as well (note: use FAT32 to be sure) ---------------------------- The inq-live-3.0-x86.iso
1. Copy ISO-file to folder EZBOOT and use menu command: Â run inq-live.iso (or whatever name you use to ISO-file)
2. I ticked 'Joliet' when creating ISO in EasyBoot Note: I only tested 'Memtest' in this program as I'm unsure what and how to use those other options in program Tthis seems to be a pretty 'old' - and week - software to use these days, but I guess you have your reasons This works from CD\DVD-reader and from USB drive (at least if using FAT32) Please note that I'm fully able to launch ISO as it is (it works fine) If you fail to use ISO as it is (run ***.ISO), then I'm unable to push this any further.
Final note: You actually in this cases don't need my scripts Only make sure you use latest release of Easyboot and you are fine
Thanks for downloads (make it much easier to test)
regards balder
Edited by balder on Oct. 14 2013,16:43
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 7
Joined: Feb. 2013
Posted on: Oct. 15 2013,03:55 |
Hi Balder,
sorry for my bad english...
I love your scripts. They works 100% always but not in this case. Probably because I'm not very good.
We mount and assemble Panel PC for the industrial market. The 95% of these PC didn't have the DVD reader.
We install the OS via SATA DVD but my Executive have take the decision to supply them only with a RECOVER DVD and not an USB pendrive, due to the cost. I hate him for this but this guy is a great *******!.
I have try to launch the DAMN SMALL LINUX via "run" command but this works only via VIRTUALBOX or if I write my ISO with all the application on a pendrive (EASYBOOT-> write to USB). This procedure works.
If I try the same procedure on a real DVD and insert this into a real PC, the "KNOPPIX NOT FOUND" message appear. But it is the same iso. ON USB works, on DVD no.
I have used your script (boot from iso) and all works 100%. Via USB, via VIRTUALBOX and via IDE or SATA DVDROM.
Not works only via USB DVDROM. These USB DVDROM are branded by ASUS, SAMSUNG, BUFFALO and they are 2.0 compatible and new. We supplied them at our Customer if they need to re-install the operating system. There is no space in the panel PC to mount standard IDE or SATA DVDROM drivers.
If your script of above work 100% via SATA DVDROM, via USB DVDROM find grub and nothing else.
I have tell you about the FORESINC HARDWARE COPY because is written in linux, have the SYSLINUX inside like also the INQUISITOR and works via USB DVDROM.
I'm only ask help to know because some ISO start via USB DVDROM and others no.
I think because there are different isolinux distro. There is one possibility to unificate them and try to start any APPS with EASYBOOT.
Can you suggest me a possible script that permit the boot of an ISO also via USB DVD.
Or if you can suggest how to modify the isolinux config of each apps to read into their respective folders and not the config of the first one only.
Sorry for that. I really appreciate your work. Sorry if you haven't understood correctly what I have say.
Thanks in advance.
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 1942
Joined: Oct. 2008
Posted on: Oct. 15 2013,07:04 |
Quote: "Probably because I'm not very good" You are very good and no problems with your English  - works perfect to me
Quote: "I hate him for this but this guy is a great *******!." He, he I used to have similar problems with some 'bosses' - but usually in the final end - I was the winner in those fights (I'm now retired by my own choice)
Panel PC is used in industry and mostly for 'automation-processes' These days Panel PC have replaced PLC-systems (PLC=Programmable-Logic-Controller sometimes misnamed as 'mini-computer') Well, well... You are close to what I used to work with  A pretty big player in Panel PC is Siemens - read HERE
--------------------------- But now to the 'problem'...
Quote: "ON USB works, on DVD no"
This indicates this is a sort of 'hard-ware issue' or 'driver-issue' There is something with that USB-DVD-reader - or perhaps a better internal USB-Buss-driver in Panel PC may be needed - and this creates problem for you I guess you already used my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and also tested with ticking 'Run ISO from RAM' in script
Quote: "Can you suggest me a possible script that permit the boot of an ISO also via USB DVD" Probably not I can understand your frustration - but as it works launch ISO from USB stick it should work for USB-DVD as well - IF NOT some odd driver is needed - which seems to be our problem here Note: the DSL (Damn-Small-Linux) is using 'initrd' and can run the whole DSL from inside of ISO-file. Earlier versions of DSL didn't have this construction DSL you linked to is also run from RAM (another example is MsDART60 or similar NT6-PE-system from Microsoft which all are run from RAM)
As I indicated before - we are stuck and I think the problems is related to a hardware (or hardware driver) inside the Panel PC (or inside of that USB-DVD reader)
You most likely already have knowledge how restricted hardware and drivers are inside Panel PC (it is not a 'fully working PC - but close to such one) Note: You are a qualified technician and people like you are smart enough to understand this kind of issues (unlike any boss you meet ) Its 'hart-breaking' but I think we are stalled here and I can not at present time come any further with this problem of yours
regards balder ------------------------ I know this might sound strange but worth to test out
You need UltraIso
Launch ultraIso and on keyboard push to F3 (same as 'Action>>Add Files') and add all folders and files from folder disk1 in EasyBoot (including folder EZBOOT)
Then select 'Bootable>>Load Boot File' and select file 'loader.bin' in folder EZBOOT
Finally choose 'File>>Properties' tick 'Joliet' and in 'ISO FileName Format' choose 'Max(221) and finally in 'Joliet FileName Format' choose 'Extended(110) Press OK Choose 'File' and save (save it somewhere with some name) press F7 to start burn to CD\DVD
Its a 'long shot' and I have my doubt it helps - but no harm testing --------------------------------- Attention! I have updated script with latest release of grub (Grub4DOS 0.4.6a that has built-in USB driver to support some of the USB storage devices)
Please delete existing folder balder and replace with a new download ---------------------------------
More regards balder
Edited by balder on Oct. 15 2013,10:02
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
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