Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Apr. 08 2011,03:46 |
Hello Friends
I was created Windows 2003 with easy boot.
First formating and copying system files are working fine. Then system restarts and then GUI mode setup ask windows installation cd. Already the cd is loaded in cd drive.
i have attached the error screen.
How to solve this
Attached Image
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Apr. 08 2011,04:07 |
Quote: ” i have attached the error screen”
Have you by any chance reduced (or modified) this folder i386 using “nLite” or similar Or have you integrated sercicepack-2 to folder i386
File NT5INF.CAT is already present as original file in folder i386 but in your case, most likely updated as you are using servicepack-2 to build
I guess that you already have checked that NT5INF.CAT is present in folder i386 in your created ISO-file Note: NT5INF.CAT is most likely present with the name NT5INF.CA_ in folder i386
Have you tested creating an “original” ISO-file (not EasyBoot-approach) and checked that it works alright before using EasyBoot
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Apr. 08 2011,04:41 |
Hello balder
Thanks for your response.
First i say what i did.
1. I WN03 create the folder under easyboot\disk1\ 2. copy all the files and folders from Win 2003 CD I386 folder to WN03 folder. 3. Then create win2003.bif using ultraiso. 4.Edit win2003.bif replace text from I386 to WN03 5. Edit setupldr.bin replace text from i386 to WN03 6. Then edit txtsetup.sif change setupsourcepath=\WNXP
finaly i created wn03.iso
Checking with vmware. setup copy files in text mode ok. The GUI window asks insert windows 2003 sp2 cd.
How to solve this
Sorry for my poor english.
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Apr. 08 2011,05:25 |
Quote: ”The GUI window asks insert windows 2003 sp2 cd”
Well that is a big difference It now looks like the graphic part is looking for the “tag file” (sometimes called “identy-file”).
The setup-system is looking for files typically win51 etcetera - Read post nr2; HERE to better understand.
Common “tag files” used in server-2003 sp2: WIN51IL = Small Business Server 2003 WIN51ID = Data Center Server 2003 WIN51IA = Enterprise Server 2003 WIN51IS = Standard Server 2003 WIN51IB = Web Server 2003 It’s possible you have a different name(s) to your “tag-files”. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I cannot understand is how it was possible for you to hex edit setupldr.bin without this file was corrupted You cannot hex edit setupldr.bin from server-2003-sp1\sp2 without it getting corrupted
Further more - why do you need to change name to folder i386 to a different name? Is it a kind of All-In-One-CD\DVD you are creating with several NT5-systems (folder i386) on the same root (folder disk1)?
If this is the case I recommend you to use easyboot-aio.script Script creates new setup-folder with name you set in text-box in script. If script find out that you are using server-2003 it automatically patch setupldr.bin before hex edit is done (hex edit is also automatically done by script).
Quote: “Sorry for my poor english” Nothing wrong with your English – works perfect for me
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Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Apr. 08 2011,07:03 |
Hello balder
Thank u so much. U are a genius.
i was copied ident-files to WN03 folder.
Working fine
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Apr. 08 2011,08:26 |
Hai balder
Sorry for the distrub.
I was added win 2003 and ERD commander 2009
Win 2003 Working fine.
So I crated ERD5 folder in easyboot\disk1\ and copy all files from erd commander 2009 cd to ERD5 folder
Then I created erd.bif using ultraiso. change replace text I386 to ERD5
Then I download modified setupldr.bin (Hexa Decimal address) file and then change text i386 to ERD5.
and then crate iso cdtest.iso.
Now i booting using erd.
Ntldr corrupt. the system can not boot
How to solve this
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Apr. 08 2011,09:03 |
Quote: ”Ntldr corrupt. the system can not boot”
There are 4 solutions to solve this problem
Solution 1 – don’t change name to folder i386. Extract folder i386 as it is from ERD to folder disk1 in easyboot Use menu command in easyboot:  run W2KSECT.BIN Note: Check that you have a file W2KSECT.BIN in folder ezboot – it should be there!
Solution 2 - use my script “easyboot-iso.script” I guess that you most likely have ERD as a ISO-file – correct? Use script and check “Run ISO from RAM” in script Script makes it possible for you to run ISO-file as it is – no need to extract any folders anyware.
Solution 3 – use my script “easyboot-live.script” Script makes necessary hex edit automatically – including necessary patching of setupldr.bin
Solution 4 – hex edit (patch) setupldr.bin before hex edit. There are two ways to solve this 4a - Use my script “easyboot-live.script” and use the “manually section” you there have a button “Manually patch setupldr.bin” – follow instructions in script. Now you can hex edit setupldr.bin without setupldr.bin is getting corrupted. Note: you only need to do this to setupldr.bin used in server-2003_sp1\sp2 and to WinXP-64-bit.
4b - Second way is to manually hex edit setupldr.bin Read HERE Or use my “manually solution” post nr;9 HERE  (basically what I later built-in to script)
He, he I guess you use my script – or don’t you… -----------------------------------------------------------
Quote: “Sorry for the distrub” No problem @ajkannan83 However I cannot guarantee you (or anybody else) that things that works smooth on my computer works smooth on your computer There are a hell lot of different motherboards and different configured computers “out there” somewhere and I have zero control how other users computers are put together (hardware and software as well)
This is a huge problem for me – but “things” is as they are…
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Apr. 09 2011,05:39 |
Thanks balder