Post Number: 41

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Posted on: Feb. 06 2004,12:48 |
Hi! Here is a solution where u won’t need any win2k.bat or other bat files. And u won’t have to copy boot files also.... so here what u should do
I am assuming I will create a bootable CD with 3 OS (XP, 2K & 98)
Step1: copy the folder “i386” from Windows 2000CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\” Step2: rename “i386” to “WN2K”
Step3: copy the folder “i386” from Windows XPCD into “EasyBoot\disk1\” Step4: rename “i386” to “WNXP”
Step5: create a folder “WIN98” under “EasyBoot\disk1\” Step6: copy all files from “Setup” from Windows98CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\WIN98\”
Step7: make a duplicate copy of the file “EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin”. and rename it into “wxpsect.bin”
Step8: open “replace text” from “EasyBoot – Tools”. browse the file “SETUPLDR.BIN” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WN2K\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K” Step9: browse the file “TXTSETUP.SIF” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WN2K\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K” Step10: browse the file “SETUPLDR.BIN” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WNXP\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP” Step11: browse the file “TXTSETUP.SIF” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WNXP\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP” Step12: browse the file “w2ksect.bin” from “EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K” Step13: browse the file “wxpsect.bin” from “EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP”
Step16: copy all files Starts with “CDROM” from Windows2000CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\” Step17: copy all files Starts with “WIN51” from WindowsXP CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\”
If u also want ur CD to be able to run from Windows environment. do the following. Step18: copy the file “Setup.exe” from “Windows 2K CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\” Step19: rename the file to “2kSetup.exe” Step20: copy the file “Setup.exe” from “Windows XP CD into “EasyBoot\disk1\” Step21: rename the file to “XPSetup.exe”
Step22: open “replace text” from “EasyBoot – Tools”. browse the file “2kSetup.exe” from “EasyBoot\disk1\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WN2K” Step23: browse the file “XpSetup.exe” from “EasyBoot\disk1\”. find “i386” and replace all with “WNXP”
That’s it boys select “w2ksect.bin” for Windows2000, select “wxpsect.bin” for WindowsXP. And select “setup98.img” for win98.
Build ISO and burn…………my ISO’s size were 768MB. Remove the Folder “LANG” from “EasyBoot\disk1\WN2K\” and “EasyBoot\disk1\WNXP\” if u don’t need any other language rather then English. It will save lots of space.
My DirStructure was Something like this : EasyBoot\ disk1\ CDROM_IP.5 CDROM_NT.5 CDROMSP3.TST WIN51 WIN51IP SETUP2K.EXE SETUPXP.EXE ………………………… ezboot\ w2ksect.bin wxpsect.bin setup98.IMG loader.bin …………………………….. WN2K\ SETUPLDR.BIN TXTSETUP.SIF WINNT.EXE WINNT32.EXE COMPDATA\ SYSTEM32\ UNIPROC\ WIN9XMIG\ WIN9XUPG\ WINNTUPG\ …………………………… WIN98\ BASE4.CAB SETUP.EXE SETUP.INF SCANDISK.EXE ………………………….. WNXP\ SETUPLDR.BIN TXTSETUP.SIF WINNT.EXE WINNT32.EXE ASMS\ COMPDATA\ DRW\ SYSTEM32\ WIN9XMIG\ …………………………..
if any 1 using WinXp Service Pack Intregated (SlipStreamed) then please skip Step4 and Step13. other wise it will ask service pack cd source.
Post Number: 42
Posted on: Feb. 11 2004,00:05 |
Hi, I am trying to get a HP Pavilion to boot up from CD using a Win2k CD. So far with miserable luck. I tried Bart's CD boot site. Now trying easyboot.
1. Prepare Windows 2000 files
1) make sub-directory 'wn2k' in "C:\EasyBoot\disk1"
directory made!
2) copy directory i386 from Windows 2000 CD to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\wn2k
yep copied the whole directory over!
4) modify "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin" by UltraEdit, change all 'I386' to 'WN2K' and save it as 'wn2k.bin'
Did a search and replace. Found only one instance and replaced!
5) copy boot files from C:\EasyBoot\disk1\wn2k\i386 to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\wn2k:
Which are the boot files?? Which files? Ok i just copied all that was in i386 including subdirectories to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\wn2k\ i am not sure which are the "boot files"??
(save attachment w2k.bat to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\wn2k and run it)
Ok isn't this a new step? I copied it to wn2k dir and ran it. what did it do?
6) modify C:\EasyBoot\disk1\wn2k\setupldr.bin by UltraEdit, change all 'I386' to 'WN2K'
Found 50 instances with search and replace, replaced all after making the file writable.
7) modify C:\EasyBoot\disk1\wn2k\Textsetup.sif by UltraEdit, change 'SetupSourcePath = "\"' to 'SetupSourcePath = "\WN2K"'
Ok changed that line!
2. make boot menu by EasyBoot use 'run wn2k.bin' to setup windows 2000
Ok, I replace the file name on that line to wn2k.bin and made a menu item and saved. Did not see any other options that were needed to be changed.
Last I pressed make ISO, and Burn CD. I burned the CD, I put it in the laptop and got the following error messages.
Bad volume descriptor type bad standard identifier bad blame description version directory ezboot not found error loading CD image menu EZB
wow what did i miss here !! Thanks Rich
Post Number: 43
Posted on: Feb. 11 2004,01:22 |
RE: shurid's post just tried it now im on the 15th ruined CD heh .. #$
The error message is as follows: bad only a descriptor type bad standard identifier
Post Number: 44
Posted on: Feb. 11 2004,01:24 |
complete error message
Boot , CD ROM type: non-emulation booting bad volume descriptor type bad standard identifier bad volume descriptor version directory ezboot not found error loading image: cdmenu.ezb
Post Number: 45
Posted on: Feb. 12 2004,16:57 |
I just made a 3 in 1 DVD , the menu works fine i did everything ( i hope ) i supposed to do The win 98 section is working fine but the windows XP , i get the message could not find NTLDR ?
can anybody help me
Post Number: 46

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Feb. 2004
Posted on: Feb. 15 2004,11:45 |
my old solution did worked for me i dont understand why it didn't work for u guys. i am extreamly sorry about that. what eva solution any 1 gives u can try that before u actually burn it using "microsoft virtual pc 2004" download it. here is the cracked link for that. i hope it not iligal for giving links. please forgive me for the first time if it is.
http://download.pods.lv/VirtualPC/MicrosoftVirtualPC2004English.rar Serial: GP884-RWM4K-VY2J2-3X6XC-YXY73
MS Virtual PC can create many virtual pc with in ur winxp or 2000 os. just run it that create a drive give it about 1.5GB space & 128 MB or ram and that it its dont. u know what u have ?
u have a pc with ur real processor speed 128MB ram 1.5GB of HDD Sound Card NetWork card etc . . . .
And Here is another solution that also works for me.......100% sure i create almost 3 set of os cd. 1. has winxppro, win2kpro, win98 2. has win2ksvr, win2kAdvSvr, WinNT4 3. WITH 2003 SERVER 3 in 1. All r service pack intregated. so it works i also test those in virtual pc.
New Solution's Link http://flyakite.msfnhosting.com/
Post Number: 47

Group: Members
Posts: 80
Joined: Nov. 2003
Posted on: Feb. 15 2004,12:40 |
Ha ha ha... This is going to be fun when Xoben or Martin finds out about this... but in the mean time, let me jump over to that link!
Anyhow that serial won't work... I remember MS banning it.
Post Number: 48
Posted on: Feb. 17 2004,01:28 |
Has anyone tried Putting linux into the mix?
I tried placing Knoppix onto the root of the cd and i get as far as probing for devices and then it says that it can's find the knoppix directory
Info on knoppix can be found at http://www.knoppix.org/
Post Number: 49

Group: Members
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Posted on: Feb. 19 2004,04:37 |
why it does NOT work? i've tried everything but not succeeded... maybe someone can put those files in an archive for us to use? the complete set of bin, img, ntldr, *.sif, etc the files to modify and a guide to use it... for 98/me/xp/2k/nt/95/ and also i'm interested in putting a ghost2003 on a cd boot it would be much esier for us to benefit from the best program ever? mail me to mihaiapostol@home.ro
Post Number: 50

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Feb. 2004
Posted on: Feb. 19 2004,04:42 |
the message was could not find ntldr.bin....