Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Sep. 09 2013,22:44 |
How to combine windows vista and windows 7 repair discs? Both x86 and x64 f possible. Hope someone can help me out.
//Regards The_Doomer
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Sep. 09 2013,23:06 |
Quote: "How to combine windows vista and windows 7 repair discs?"
You use ISO-file of your different repair disks
Test this:
1. Copy your different ISO-files of repair discs to folder EZBOOT
2. Use menu command in EasyBoot menu:  run vista86.iso  or whatever name you use to your ISO(s) You of course set different names to your different ISO-files
3. Don't tick any 'Option' when creating final ISO in EasyBoot!
You need EasyBoot_v6 or later (latest updated EasyBoot is recommended to use)
Note: above solution also works from USB drive
regards balder
Edited by balder on Sep. 09 2013,23:14
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Sep. 12 2013,10:31 |
This solved the problem! I even put the Win 8 Rescue disc and XP disc on it so now I only need to burn one *.iso instead of 7, GREAT! Thanks Balder... Â Â
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Sep. 12 2013,12:23 |
Quote: "This solved the problem"
Nice it worked alright
--------------------------- Quote: "and XP disc"
Attention! If it is a WinPE-ISO built from WinXP as source (reatogoPE or BartPE as example - but Hiren's 'miniXP' works okay as that one is run from RAM) you must run such WinPE-ISO from RAM with special drivers (fira-disk drivers)
You can use my script; Â 'easyboot-iso.script' and in script tick 'Run ISO from RAM' to integrate such ISO-file Note: WinXP-based WinPE is what we call a typical NT5-system (which needs to be run from RAM if using ISO-file) Compare with WinPE based on NT6-systems (Vista, Win7, Win8 and server-2008 which all belongs to the NT6-systems) and such WinPE-ISO can be launched as they are without any fira-disk or RAM-load
You have download of scripts below in every post I write in this forum
regards balder
Edited by balder on Sep. 12 2013,13:22
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Sep. 12 2013,15:07 |
Quote: "and XP disc"
I downloaded the XP recover disc from inside Sardu software, I guess this is the three recovery floppy's that can be downloaded from Microsoft's web site. But it seems to be some problem  when I try to boot it from my newly created Easyboot Cd.
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Sep. 12 2013,16:19 |
Quote: "I guess this is the three recovery floppy's that can be downloaded from Microsoft's web site"
Okay I see... It is not a WinPE built from WinXP - typical ERD5, BartPE or Reatogo etcetera you mean - instead it is only the the 'boot-disks' that brings up the command prompt for repair of WinXP to reach the 'recovery consol' is what you are interested of - is this correct?
You can download such floppy images from Microsoft. Note: you can create a 'oversized' floppy image in EasyBoot to combine all floppy images to one large image In EasyBoot you choose "Tools>Create Floppy Image..." then set appropriate size and use the start floppy image (number one) as 'Seed image' (first floppy image has the important 'boot record')
In EasyBoot menu you use menu command:  run xprecov.img  (or xprecov.ima) or whatever name you use to final oversized floppy image
HERE is a link to some different 'startup floppy images'
EDIT! Okay I also downloaded 'recovery consol' (ISO-file 'rc.iso' that you can find in folder 'sardu\ISO' when download is done) This ISO is built from source of a NT5-system (WinXP in this case) and must be run from RAM with support from 'firadisk'
You must use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' and tick 'Run ISO from RAM' This works fine regards balder
Edited by balder on Sep. 13 2013,10:03
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Sep. 16 2013,11:33 |
Test this:
It took awhile to find the disks, I couldn't find them att MS site but here I'll find them all. Â I did try to use the method you say but it did not work when I try to boot the wxp.img I made.
//Regards The_Doomer
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Sep. 16 2013,12:36 |
Quote: "did not work when I try to boot the wxp.img I made"
That's possible - however I used Sardu and downloaded 'WinXP recovery disc' and used that ISO (rc.iso) I guess you already know ISO can be found in 'Sardu\ISO' after Sardu finished download
You must use my script 'easyboot-iso.script' to integrate 'rc.iso' into EasyBoot. Important! Tick 'Run ISO from RAM' in script when integrating 'rc.iso' Note: you automatically receive the correct menu command to use in EasyBoot menu by script
This works
----------------------------- The EasyBoot forum archive is rather big and I found a similar solution HERE However I suggest you use ISO-file (rc.iso) as it is and use my script to integrate ISO into Easyboot
regards balder
Edited by balder on Sep. 17 2013,02:31
-------------- Download complete set of scripts including help file HERE Note: Script collection updated 2019-05-19. Scripts mainly support EasyBoot_6.5 or later
Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Sep. 17 2013,14:21 |
I got it to work now, I followed the guide here as you mentioned in your last post. Â Â I did find you balder.zip file as well and it looks very interesting, I shall look and play around with it. Many thanks for all the help! Â Â Â